Kench better known by his stage name K3NCH is the Mansfield, Ohio scene’s most mysterious, unpredictable, and enigmatic figure. His style and voice are unique, his storytelling lets you excited to keep listening until the last second of the track.
K3NCH is 26 years old and from a town called Mansfield, Ohio. About an hour south of Cleveland. Kench grew up with a struggling mother and 3 younger brothers in the household. He spent a lot of time listening to music as therapy and as an escape from the war he was living in every day.
You can taste a variety of Eras in K3NCH’s music, from the 80s and 90s old-school hip hop to nowadays rappers.
He started writing music at the age of 9 while studying lyrics from big artists like Drake, Lil Wayne, DMX, Jay-Z, and Eminem then practice reciting them.
After shaping his writing style he sold his Durango and bought studio equipment and taught himself how to mix everything.
K3NCH started out posting freestyle videos on Facebook where he got thousands of views. So then he thought “Maybe I can Do Something With This.” His fans motivated him to keep going.
After releasing a couple of singles on SoundCloud and people kept engaging. That’s where he dropped his first ever Mixtape that won him “Album of the year” at the North American music awards hosted in Ohio.
He released the project in 2017 but won album of the year in 2022. And he won favorite artist of the year also.
How did K3NCH Grow as an Artist?
K3NCH: ''I’ve grown in a lot of different ways as an artist. The first is doing shows across the country and building necessary business relationships. Also networking across all social media platforms. And winning 2 awards at the North American Music Awards (NAMAS) for my state was a blessing and didn’t expect it. I went from only getting a couple of hundred plays to thousands. Doing shows in multiple cities and states, including Georgia, Florida, Missouri, Michigan, and California just to name a few. From being featured in Hip-hop magazine placements to radio shows and interviews. This year alone has been huge and the hard work is starting to pay off. ''
''The emotions I try to give to the listeners is pretty much just a vibe. Life is stressful and sometimes we can get in our heads, I want my music to help others in ways it’s helped me. I’m pretty versatile and make different types of music for just about any mood.''
KENCH shows how much he’s attached too much to the streets and the whole hip-hop culture. The reason why he is so attracted to music is that not only is it like therapy for him, but he finds it amazing to be able to create and manipulate sounds in unique and different ways. And people can connect to you through it.
Where Do You See Yourself in the Future?
''I see myself being very successful in this field because of how seriously I take it. This isn’t just a hobby to me, this is something I plan to feed generations off of. And if music didn’t work, I would still be an entrepreneur/businessman. Probably still doing photography, videography, acting, and real estate. Either way, failure is not an option.''
K3NCH is a rapper who shaped his style and build his career by himself. A rapper who started from the bottom and he's sure of what he's doing. KENCH is a rapper to watch in the future!